mobile app development

Mobile App Development

We are Mobile App Development Company to Design & Develop Your Custom Mobile Application.

Mobile app development is indeed nowadays necessary for all the business. We, as a mobile application development company can provide high quality standard mobile app of any category. We have worked with diverse brands, organizations, startups and individuals to create powerful apps from excellent idea.

Our team of mobile app developers is capable of creating apps for multiple-platforms like iOS, Android and cross-platform solutions in Flutter, React Native & Ionic. We have expertise in developing mobile app development solutions to meet your business requirements.

Native App Development

Native mobile apps are developed for specific mobile OS such as iOS or Android and users can access them from dedicated app stores.

Advantages of Native apps
  • Fast performance due to simple code specific to device and OS.
  • Better use of OS and device specific functionalities.
  • Interactive UI/UX.
  • Lesser compatibility issues and faster to configure.
Disadvantages of Native apps
  • Building OS specific apps can be time-consuming.
  • OS specific programming languages like swift and java are hard to learn.
  • Longer release cycles to ensure stability.
  • Requires separate codebase to add new features.
Cross-platform App Development

Cross-platform mobile apps are developed to function for multiple mobile platforms like Flutter, React Native, Ionic etc. without changing the codebase.

Advantages of Cross-platform apps
  • Easy to build.
  • Shareable code makes it cheaper than a native app.
  • Easy to push new features since it uses a single code base.
  • Shorter time to market, as the app can be deployed for multiple OSs.
Disadvantages of Cross-platform apps
  • Complex apps with many functions will slow down the app.
  • More expensive than web apps.
  • Less interactive than native apps.
  • Apps cannot perform OS specific tasks.

Why Choose Xatlab

We have highly skilled engineers with excellent technical knowledge and experience in using the latest software standards. We have built a large pool of knowledge that we apply to deliver solutions that meet client’s needs, expectations and budget. By putting our clients at the heart of everything we do, we are proud that we are still supporting our very first business client.

  • Client First
  • On Time Delivery
  • Strong Expertise
  • Total Ownership & Feedback Based
  • Results Focused
  • Assured Services
  • Next-Gen Technology Provider
  • Worldwide Clients