Software QA & Testing

Software QA & Testing

We offer a broad spectrum of software testing and QA services aimed at helping the companies deliver flawless and optimally performing software to the users. Right from custom validation to specialized testing, we facilitate cutting-edge testing services which ensure end-to-end validation of the data, services, applications or software being tested.

Manual Testing Services – Being one of the meticulous ways of testing software, Manual Testing offers unswerving and highly reliable results. Our experts deliver immaculately outstanding Manual Testing Services

Automation Testing Services – Our Automation Testing Services are focused at enabling the organizations to augment their release velocity and accelerate the testing process while reducing overall testing effort.

Performance/Load Testing Services – With a Team of Seasoned QA Professionals, we deliver unsurpassed Load & Performance Testing to evaluate the maximum load that can be effectively handled by the system being tested.

Why Choose Xatlab

Benefits of Software Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Quality assurance is one of the processes that is used by software testing and QA services providers to check the developed product or service is up to the quality standards.

  • QA/QC produces high quality software.
  • High quality application saves time and cost.
  • QA/QC is beneficial for better reliability.
  • Improving the process of creating software.
  • Improves the quality of the software.

Why Choose Xatlab

We have highly skilled engineers with excellent technical knowledge and experience in using the latest software standards. We have built a large pool of knowledge that we apply to deliver solutions that meet client’s needs, expectations and budget. By putting our clients at the heart of everything we do, we are proud that we are still supporting our very first business client.

  • Client First
  • On Time Delivery
  • Strong Expertise
  • Total Ownership & Feedback Based
  • Results Focused
  • Assured Services
  • Next-Gen Technology Provider
  • Worldwide Clients